Sunday, July 6, 2008


Things have been a bit slow lately, the summer slowdown I guess, lots of stuff going on in peoples lives this time of year. The slowdown hit at the end of june, so I took the opportunity to take a bit of time off from making designs and do some other things I have been meaning to catch up on, mainly just relaxing, lol.

It was well worth it, getting back into designing this evening I feel alot better than I have in quite a long time, the stuff I have in mind is alot more clear and not clouded with other things going on in my life, its a nice change to be clear headed about stuff for once. And now that things are cleared up I will be pumping out a few designs here this week, I'm almost done with one right now which should be up either late tonight or after work tomorrow, then I have a few designs rolling around the ole noggin that Ill push out later on as well.

Over my little break I didn't do much of anything, just traveled up north to see that fam and did a few things over the 4th, work was hell last week so I was pretty happy to have the long weekend. Anywho folks, thats it for now, Ill update as I add more stuff this week. I am also in the process of converting my designs from shirts to hats which I will debut in the coming months, Id like to be able to offer around 10-15 different hat designs before I open up a section offering them. Thats it, peace!

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