Saturday, May 15, 2010


Ahhh, a cold beer on a warm Minnesota summer day, I can feel the humidity building already. Feel pretty good today for a change, got a couple new shirts out so feel free to check the site or my Facebook for the updates. Listening to some new tunes as well, feeling kinda jumpy. I want to get a couple lawnchairs and throw them out on the deck but the hornets are going crazy out there so I better wait until I get some raid or something.

Watched the Hurt Locker earlier today, pretty intense, very good show. I know I'm late to the party on that one but it sat on my Netflix Queu until yesterday, seems like that place is really slowing down getting enough movies out, I've had some that sit in position 1 for 3 months or more before I get them, but oh well, I just fill it with old shit until I get the new ones.

Season 2 of True Blood comes out pretty soon, excited for that, I don't have HBO so I have to wait until they come out on dvd. That's about it for now folks. PEACE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

reading the blog!! nice to finally have internet again lol